How long has the FORTEINC.COM web page been dead?
(too old to reply)
Michael Thompson
2024-04-18 21:08:55 UTC
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.

Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
Ralph Fox
2024-04-18 22:40:01 UTC
How long has the FORTEINC.COM web page been dead?
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
According to the Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine", the forteinc.com web page
was up on 2024-03-30 and down on 2024-04-07.

I first noticed this a week ago (2024-04-11).
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
Use the Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine"...

1. Go to <https://web.archive.org/>

2. In the box "Enter a URL...", type "https://www.forteinc.com/main/homepage.php"

3. Press the ENTER key.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

Much corn lies under the straw that is not seen.
Michael Thompson
2024-04-18 22:58:32 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
How long has the FORTEINC.COM web page been dead?
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
According to the Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine", the forteinc.com web page
was up on 2024-03-30 and down on 2024-04-07.
I first noticed this a week ago (2024-04-11).
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
Use the Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine"...
1. Go to <https://web.archive.org/>
2. In the box "Enter a URL...", type "https://www.forteinc.com/main/homepage.php"
3. Press the ENTER key.
Usenet is dead. Long Live Usenet.

I wonder if their usenet service through a NSP is DOA also?
Ralph Fox
2024-04-18 23:49:26 UTC
Post by Michael Thompson
I wonder if their usenet service through a NSP is DOA also?
If you check my posts' headers, you will see that their usenet service
is alive and working.

I don't know why the current website outage. But you might recall that
the Agent FAQ there went offline for about a year and then came back up.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

To cast oil in the fire's not the way to quench it.
2024-04-19 00:25:00 UTC
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
Seems to be working normally:

Ralph Fox
2024-04-19 01:39:24 UTC
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
Now it is.
Three hours ago it was not.

I wonder if Ana, Chris, or Mark is reading this group?
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

He that will thrive, must rise at five: He that hath thriven may lie till seven.
Paul S Person
2024-04-19 15:11:52 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
Now it is.
Three hours ago it was not.
I wonder if Ana, Chris, or Mark is reading this group?
When I tried it just now, it redirected me to
which, given the general impression that Agent is dead, is ...

All of those wishing they could upgrade to Agent 8: it looks like your
ship has come in.

And those who need a lost key might find this interesting:

However, the list of News Bulletins at
still ends in 2014.

The current downloadable version is 1272, which appears to be what I
have been running for many years.
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"
Michael Thompson
2024-04-19 17:40:07 UTC
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
Gremlins strike again.
Ralph Fox
2024-05-23 00:28:41 UTC
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
It is down again right now. :-(
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

When the wares be gone, shut up the shop windows.
Michael Thompson
2024-05-24 00:17:21 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
It is down again right now. :-(
2024-05-24 19:09:27 UTC
On Thu, 23 May 2024 17:17:21 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
It is down again right now. :-(
Is there any alternative web site to download Agent 8.0?
Ralph Fox
2024-05-24 20:25:12 UTC
Post by Sam
Is there any alternative web site to download Agent 8.0?
Similar to my first reply in this thread, use the Internet Archive's
"Wayback Machine"...

1. Go to <https://web.archive.org/>

2. In the box "Enter a URL...", type "https://www.forteinc.com/agent/download.php"

3. Press the ENTER key.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

Wit once bought, is worth twice taught.
2024-05-24 21:24:12 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Sam
Is there any alternative web site to download Agent 8.0?
Similar to my first reply in this thread, use the Internet Archive's
"Wayback Machine"...
1. Go to <https://web.archive.org/>
2. In the box "Enter a URL...", type "https://www.forteinc.com/agent/download.php"
3. Press the ENTER key.
I did try that. But when I downloaded the file F-Secure warned that it
contained a virus.
Ralph Fox
2024-05-25 07:45:45 UTC
Post by Sam
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Sam
Is there any alternative web site to download Agent 8.0?
Similar to my first reply in this thread, use the Internet Archive's
"Wayback Machine"...
1. Go to <https://web.archive.org/>
2. In the box "Enter a URL...", type "https://www.forteinc.com/agent/download.php"
3. Press the ENTER key.
I did try that. But when I downloaded the file F-Secure warned that it
contained a virus.
Odd. I have just now tested this.

A) The copy of agentenu800-1272.msi which I just now downloaded from
web.archive.org is byte-for-byte identical to the copy which I
downloaded from forteinc.com in 2014 (and which I have been using
for almost 10 years).

I used this cmd.exe command prompt command to compare the files:

| >fc /b agentenu800-1272.msi temp\agentenu800-1272.msi
| Comparing files agentenu800-1272.msi and TEMP\AGENTENU800-1272.MSI
| FC: no differences encountered

B) I uploaded to virustotal.com, the file downloaded from web.archive.org.

Virustotal reported it clean:
"No security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious"


Did F-Secure say which virus was supposed to be in the file?

Run this test to verify the file you downloaded is identical to the original:

1. Open a PowerShell window on the download folder

(For example, Shift+Right-Click on the folder and choose "Open PowerShell window here")

2. Enter this PowerShell command:

Get-Filehash agentenu800-1272.msi | Format-List

The results should look like this. The hash should be *identical* to the one below.

| Algorithm : SHA256
| Hash : 999F6AAA4911BEA26CD64A1FC458BA9BF377BD1A32F955A90CA142487975D024
| Path : C:\Users\{*USERNAME*}\Downloads\agentenu800-1272.msi

The copy of agentenu800-1272.msi which I just now downloaded from
web.archive.org also has the exact same hash as the copy which I
downloaded from forteinc.com in 2014.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

A broken sleeve holdeth the arm back.
Paul S Person
2024-05-25 15:40:37 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
It is down again right now. :-(
I'm showing "502 Bad Gateway" here.

What I used to see I don't know, but it wasn't that. It was a message
like "no response" or "not found".

A brief Bing search suggests that this is a problem between HTTP
servers. IOW, something, somewhere, is probably mis-configured.
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"
Ralph Fox
2024-05-25 20:57:12 UTC
Post by Paul S Person
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
It is down again right now. :-(
I'm showing "502 Bad Gateway" here.
What I used to see I don't know, but it wasn't that. It was a message
like "no response" or "not found".

The OP, Michael Thompson, wrote that he got a "502 Bad gateway"
two weeks ago.
  REF: <https://alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.narkive.com/yxW5q9D2/how-long-has-the-forteinc-com-web-page-been-dead>

The Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine" got a "502 Bad Gateway"
on 2024-04-07
  REF: <https://web.archive.org/web/20240407040008/https://www.forteinc.com/main/homepage.php>

Since then, the site has been back up and now down again.
I see "502 Bad Gateway" in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge.
Post by Paul S Person
A brief Bing search suggests that this is a problem between HTTP
servers. IOW, something, somewhere, is probably mis-configured.
The forteinc web server is hosted on AWS. The problem may be there.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

As the man said to him on the tree top. Make no more haste when you come down then when you went up.
2024-05-26 09:54:25 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Since then, the site has been back up and now down again.
I see "502 Bad Gateway" in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge.
Post by Paul S Person
A brief Bing search suggests that this is a problem between HTTP
servers. IOW, something, somewhere, is probably mis-configured.
The forteinc web server is hosted on AWS. The problem may be there.
according https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
https://www.forteinc.com/ is down for everyone

What server response codes do we consider "down" or indicate a
We indicate that forteinc.com is down if it returns an HTTP status
code anywhere within the 4xx or 5xx range. For example, a "not found"
error would return a status code of 404, so we would mark the site as

You can until now only say for sure somewhere something is changed and
forteinc.com is no longer available.
Bob Bain
2024-05-28 04:09:08 UTC
Post by Paul S Person
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Ralph Fox
It is down again right now. :-(
I'm showing "502 Bad Gateway" here.

What's new in Forte Agent 8.00 Build 32.1272:
Collapse binary archives together into a single header:
No more hunting around for all the pieces. One header contains your
RAR/PAR/Split files.
Navigation is easy. One entry for one binary file let's you focus on
the end result, not all the pieces.
Keep up to a hundred times more messages in your group folder. A
single header may have hundreds of elements, but the entire archive
only counts as one entry.
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.
Paul S Person
2024-05-28 16:18:47 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Paul S Person
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
It is down again right now. :-(
I'm showing "502 Bad Gateway" here.
What I used to see I don't know, but it wasn't that. It was a message
like "no response" or "not found".
The OP, Michael Thompson, wrote that he got a "502 Bad gateway"
two weeks ago.
  REF: <https://alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.narkive.com/yxW5q9D2/how-long-has-the-forteinc-com-web-page-been-dead>
<snip other examples>

I can only report what I recall.

Edge keeps updating itself. Perhaps I mistook a re-formatted error
screen for a new message.

Also, IIRC, what came up with it came up was /not/ www.forte.com but
something that that redirected to. I didn't save my prior message on
this, nor did I update my Favorite, but it might be that those other
URLs are working. Or it may not be. Depending on what's really going
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Paul S Person
A brief Bing search suggests that this is a problem between HTTP
servers. IOW, something, somewhere, is probably mis-configured.
The forteinc web server is hosted on AWS. The problem may be there.
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"
Wayne S Garmil
2024-05-28 18:53:53 UTC
Post by SoWhat
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
I have been getting this for over a week. I am trying to update my
credit card information for APN but it keeps giving me the 502 error
when I submit my update. I also get the 502 error when I try to go to
the main web page.

Has Forte Inc finally gone out of business?

_ __ _ __ | I see the girls walk by dressed in
' ) / // / / ) / | their summer clothes; I have to turn
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ | my head until my darkness goes...
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ | -Rolling Stones, "Paint It Black"
Ralph Fox
2024-05-28 21:25:50 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
I have been getting this for over a week. I am trying to update my
credit card information for APN but it keeps giving me the 502 error
when I submit my update. I also get the 502 error when I try to go to
the main web page.
Go directly to <https://newsaccount.forteinc.com/>, the APN site where
you can update your credit card information for APN. That works for me.

I just now updated my credit card information. When I clicked 'Submit'
it said "Updated Successfully".
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Has Forte Inc finally gone out of business?
APN still works.

There is a problem at the AWS server hosting <www.forteinc.com>.

APN and <https://newsaccount.forteinc.com/> are on a completely
different server, not at AWS.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

The plow goes not well if the plow-man holds it not.
Wayne S Garmil
2024-05-29 14:52:48 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Wayne S Garmil
I have been getting this for over a week. I am trying to update my
credit card information for APN but it keeps giving me the 502 error
when I submit my update. I also get the 502 error when I try to go to
the main web page.
Go directly to <https://newsaccount.forteinc.com/>, the APN site where
you can update your credit card information for APN. That works for me.
I can get to that site and enter my update details. But the update is
not being saved due to the 502 error on the main site, so I assume it
needs to connect to a service that is currently down.

Just mad at myself that I forgot the credit card I was using expired
at the end of March, and the site went down before I could update it.

_ __ _ __ | I see the girls walk by dressed in
' ) / // / / ) / | their summer clothes; I have to turn
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ | my head until my darkness goes...
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ | -Rolling Stones, "Paint It Black"
Joerg Walther
2024-05-29 16:27:00 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Just mad at myself that I forgot the credit card I was using expired
at the end of March, and the site went down before I could update it.
Forte is/was just a reseller of a larger nntp provider. There are
literally dozens of other providers at similar prices, so once you
cannot connect any longer, just switch providers.

And now for something completely different...
2024-06-06 10:23:51 UTC
On Wed, 29 May 2024 18:27:00 +0200, Joerg Walther
Post by Joerg Walther
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Just mad at myself that I forgot the credit card I was using expired
at the end of March, and the site went down before I could update it.
Forte is/was just a reseller of a larger nntp provider. There are
literally dozens of other providers at similar prices, so once you
cannot connect any longer, just switch providers.
Just go directly to Easynews and subscribe there as that is the
provider Forte was using. Though Easynews is just part of the much
larger Highwinds group so you have many options that get you to the
same servers like Usenetserver. I prefer Easynews because it also has
the web browser front end available. Not useful if you aren't
interested in binaries, but if you aren't interested in binaries why
not just go for the free options like EternalSeptember?
Joerg Walther
2024-06-06 16:45:56 UTC
Post by shawn
Post by Joerg Walther
Forte is/was just a reseller of a larger nntp provider. There are
literally dozens of other providers at similar prices, so once you
cannot connect any longer, just switch providers.
Just go directly to Easynews and subscribe there as that is the
provider Forte was using.
You don't have to tell me, I have been a happy customer for 24.040 years
:) and cannot recommend it enough. The global search with preview
pictures and information about video codec/language/subtitles alone is
worth the money. And of course you can use the nntp part as well, as I'm
doing right now. I have no idea why anyone should use a paid provider
(other than dfncis for 10 bucks/year for text only) if you don't want to
do binaries.

And now for something completely different...
Puffer Belly
2024-06-06 19:52:50 UTC
The big difference between Agent Premium Usenet and going with Easynews
directly is price. I can get 25 GB for $3 per month from APU. Easynews
costs $20 per month for just 20 GB ($10 per month if I use just their
web interface rather than Agent).

Has anyone not had their APU renew lately? Mine was supposed to renew
automatically on June 2, but didn't, and I still have access to
newsgroups. I wonder if APU is no longer in business and Easynews will
be cutting off all APU connections soon.
Post by Joerg Walther
Post by shawn
Post by Joerg Walther
Forte is/was just a reseller of a larger nntp provider. There are
literally dozens of other providers at similar prices, so once you
cannot connect any longer, just switch providers.
Just go directly to Easynews and subscribe there as that is the
provider Forte was using.
You don't have to tell me, I have been a happy customer for 24.040 years
:) and cannot recommend it enough. The global search with preview
pictures and information about video codec/language/subtitles alone is
worth the money. And of course you can use the nntp part as well, as I'm
doing right now. I have no idea why anyone should use a paid provider
(other than dfncis for 10 bucks/year for text only) if you don't want to
do binaries.
Ralph Fox
2024-06-06 21:28:31 UTC
Post by Puffer Belly
The big difference between Agent Premium Usenet and going with Easynews
directly is price. I can get 25 GB for $3 per month from APU. Easynews
costs $20 per month for just 20 GB ($10 per month if I use just their
web interface rather than Agent).
Post by Puffer Belly
Has anyone not had their APU renew lately? Mine was supposed to renew
automatically on June 2, but didn't, and I still have access to
Same here - my CC was supposed to be charged on 28 May but wasn't, and I still
have access.
Post by Puffer Belly
I wonder if APU is no longer in business and Easynews will
be cutting off all APU connections soon.
You get cut off much quicker than this if/when your CC fails to pay the renewal.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

Misreckoning's no payment.
Paul S Person
2024-06-07 15:30:49 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Puffer Belly
The big difference between Agent Premium Usenet and going with Easynews
directly is price. I can get 25 GB for $3 per month from APU. Easynews
costs $20 per month for just 20 GB ($10 per month if I use just their
web interface rather than Agent).
Post by Puffer Belly
Has anyone not had their APU renew lately? Mine was supposed to renew
automatically on June 2, but didn't, and I still have access to
Same here - my CC was supposed to be charged on 28 May but wasn't, and I still
have access.
Post by Puffer Belly
I wonder if APU is no longer in business and Easynews will
be cutting off all APU connections soon.
You get cut off much quicker than this if/when your CC fails to pay the renewal.
Some businesses are now hooking up with the credit card provider to
automatically update their records when the expiration date and magic
code change (at least when the old card expiry date gets close enough
that a new card is issued). So, conceivably, a defunct company's
inacessible autocharge could keep going on its own forever. "Forever",
of course, meaning "as long as the server doing it is running and

"To err is human, to /really/ foul things up requires a computer"
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"
Puffer Belly
2024-06-08 20:11:13 UTC
Forte last charged my credit card on May 2, so Easynews is being
generous, or Forte has paid them something to keep APU going.
Post by Paul S Person
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Puffer Belly
The big difference between Agent Premium Usenet and going with Easynews
directly is price. I can get 25 GB for $3 per month from APU. Easynews
costs $20 per month for just 20 GB ($10 per month if I use just their
web interface rather than Agent).
Post by Puffer Belly
Has anyone not had their APU renew lately? Mine was supposed to renew
automatically on June 2, but didn't, and I still have access to
Same here - my CC was supposed to be charged on 28 May but wasn't, and I still
have access.
Post by Puffer Belly
I wonder if APU is no longer in business and Easynews will
be cutting off all APU connections soon.
You get cut off much quicker than this if/when your CC fails to pay the renewal.
Some businesses are now hooking up with the credit card provider to
automatically update their records when the expiration date and magic
code change (at least when the old card expiry date gets close enough
that a new card is issued). So, conceivably, a defunct company's
inacessible autocharge could keep going on its own forever. "Forever",
of course, meaning "as long as the server doing it is running and
"To err is human, to /really/ foul things up requires a computer"
Puffer Belly
2024-06-29 15:25:54 UTC
Today, my usage limit from the May 2 renewal was exceeded, but yet I
still have access and can still download messages and binaries.
Apparently, Easynews has not cutoff APU yet. Has anyone else had this

On Sat, 8 Jun 2024 15:11:13 -0500, Puffer Belly
Post by Puffer Belly
Forte last charged my credit card on May 2, so Easynews is being
generous, or Forte has paid them something to keep APU going.
Post by Paul S Person
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Puffer Belly
The big difference between Agent Premium Usenet and going with Easynews
directly is price. I can get 25 GB for $3 per month from APU. Easynews
costs $20 per month for just 20 GB ($10 per month if I use just their
web interface rather than Agent).
Post by Puffer Belly
Has anyone not had their APU renew lately? Mine was supposed to renew
automatically on June 2, but didn't, and I still have access to
Same here - my CC was supposed to be charged on 28 May but wasn't, and I still
have access.
Post by Puffer Belly
I wonder if APU is no longer in business and Easynews will
be cutting off all APU connections soon.
You get cut off much quicker than this if/when your CC fails to pay the renewal.
Some businesses are now hooking up with the credit card provider to
automatically update their records when the expiration date and magic
code change (at least when the old card expiry date gets close enough
that a new card is issued). So, conceivably, a defunct company's
inacessible autocharge could keep going on its own forever. "Forever",
of course, meaning "as long as the server doing it is running and
"To err is human, to /really/ foul things up requires a computer"
2024-07-01 03:22:30 UTC
On Sat, 29 Jun 2024 10:25:54 -0500, Puffer Belly
Post by Puffer Belly
Today, my usage limit from the May 2 renewal was exceeded, but yet I
still have access and can still download messages and binaries.
Apparently, Easynews has not cutoff APU yet. Has anyone else had this
On Sat, 8 Jun 2024 15:11:13 -0500, Puffer Belly
Post by Puffer Belly
Forte last charged my credit card on May 2, so Easynews is being
generous, or Forte has paid them something to keep APU going.
Post by Paul S Person
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Puffer Belly
The big difference between Agent Premium Usenet and going with Easynews
directly is price. I can get 25 GB for $3 per month from APU. Easynews
costs $20 per month for just 20 GB ($10 per month if I use just their
web interface rather than Agent).
Post by Puffer Belly
Has anyone not had their APU renew lately? Mine was supposed to renew
automatically on June 2, but didn't, and I still have access to
Same here - my CC was supposed to be charged on 28 May but wasn't, and I still
have access.
Post by Puffer Belly
I wonder if APU is no longer in business and Easynews will
be cutting off all APU connections soon.
You get cut off much quicker than this if/when your CC fails to pay the renewal.
Some businesses are now hooking up with the credit card provider to
automatically update their records when the expiration date and magic
code change (at least when the old card expiry date gets close enough
that a new card is issued). So, conceivably, a defunct company's
inacessible autocharge could keep going on its own forever. "Forever",
of course, meaning "as long as the server doing it is running and
"To err is human, to /really/ foul things up requires a computer"
It took me a few minutes to figure out what this was all about. I use
Giganews and it is $8 a month for $12.5GB. I seldom get close now that
there is less content here but when I was burning bytes, they just do
an auto renew for $8 and another 12.5g. If you aren't getting movies,
it is hard to use 12g.
My whole quarter century pirate music library is only about 30g ;)
Arthur Conan Doyle
2024-07-01 12:32:34 UTC
Post by g***@aol.com
My whole quarter century pirate music library is only about 30g ;)
:) Which brings up an interesting question. I'm rather amazed that massive nzb
libraries still exist on various Usenet servers.

Usenet: The world's first (and best) social network.
2024-07-05 13:23:40 UTC
On Mon, 01 Jul 2024 07:32:34 -0500, Arthur Conan Doyle
Post by Arthur Conan Doyle
:) Which brings up an interesting question. I'm rather amazed that massive nzb
libraries still exist on various Usenet servers.
Why amazed? Because of DMCA?
Sidera errantia quibus procella tenebrarum in aeternum servata est
Arthur Conan Doyle
2024-07-05 21:24:28 UTC
Post by Opinicus
Post by Arthur Conan Doyle
:) Which brings up an interesting question. I'm rather amazed that massive nzb
libraries still exist on various Usenet servers.
Why amazed? Because of DMCA?
Yep. But apparently it's a bit of a cat & mouse game. Rights holder send a DCMA
notice to the larger hosting companies. They take them down. Posters upload them
again. And so it goes.

Usenet: The world's first (and best) social network.
2024-07-06 06:21:50 UTC
On Fri, 05 Jul 2024 16:24:28 -0500, Arthur Conan Doyle
Post by Arthur Conan Doyle
Post by Opinicus
Post by Arthur Conan Doyle
:) Which brings up an interesting question. I'm rather amazed that massive nzb
libraries still exist on various Usenet servers.
Why amazed? Because of DMCA?
Yep. But apparently it's a bit of a cat & mouse game. Rights holder send a DCMA
notice to the larger hosting companies. They take them down. Posters upload them
again. And so it goes.
Erm... That's not really how it goes. Check out:

DMCA has been effectively end-runned by filename obfuscation because
even if the rights holder could identify the work, they'd have to send
a separate notice FOR EACH SEGMENT across multiple newsgroups and even
multiple servers.

Also DMCA's writ doesn't run outside the US. True, a lot of traffic
still moves through US-based servers; but there's a growing number of
servers not based in the US and the traffic moving through them has
been steadily increasing for this very reason. I've been using a
Holland-based server for years for example and have never had an
incompletes problem, even on stuff going back five years or more.

FWIW I'm a free-lance writer, editor, etc and I don't condone piracy
of original content. But I live outside the EU and the weekly UK and
US TV shows that I regularly watch aren't accessible to me because of
"territorial restrictions", so I can't pay to view them however much I
might be willing to.
The people your parents warned you about
Joerg Walther
2024-06-07 12:33:37 UTC
Post by Puffer Belly
The big difference between Agent Premium Usenet and going with Easynews
directly is price. I can get 25 GB for $3 per month from APU. Easynews
costs $20 per month for just 20 GB ($10 per month if I use just their
web interface rather than Agent).
OK, that is a point. Maybe something can be done about the price you pay
for Easnyews? I got a "4th July special deal" two or three years ago and
only pay ~$9/month for the "Big Gig Plan" (instead of $30). Maybe
subscribe to it and cancel it when the first three (cheap) months are up
and wait what they offer you?

And now for something completely different...
Ralph Fox
2024-05-29 19:28:15 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Wayne S Garmil
I have been getting this for over a week. I am trying to update my
credit card information for APN but it keeps giving me the 502 error
when I submit my update. I also get the 502 error when I try to go to
the main web page.
Go directly to <https://newsaccount.forteinc.com/>, the APN site where
you can update your credit card information for APN. That works for me.
I can get to that site and enter my update details. But the update is
not being saved due to the 502 error on the main site, so I assume it
needs to connect to a service that is currently down.
Just mad at myself that I forgot the credit card I was using expired
at the end of March, and the site went down before I could update it.
Strange. My update to the CC expiry date _was_ saved.
When I am on <https://newsaccount.forteinc.com/>, the "main site"
is _not_ involved.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

There's difference between staring and stark blind [or mad.]
2024-05-30 16:58:16 UTC
Post by Wayne S Garmil
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Wayne S Garmil
I have been getting this for over a week. I am trying to update my
credit card information for APN but it keeps giving me the 502 error
when I submit my update. I also get the 502 error when I try to go to
the main web page.
Go directly to <https://newsaccount.forteinc.com/>, the APN site where
you can update your credit card information for APN. That works for me.
I can get to that site and enter my update details. But the update is
not being saved due to the 502 error on the main site, so I assume it
needs to connect to a service that is currently down.
Just mad at myself that I forgot the credit card I was using expired
at the end of March, and the site went down before I could update it.
The newsaccount.forteinc.com domain is a completely separate domain
that maps to domains controlled by easynews.com. There should be no
element of that system that depends on forteinc.com. Your credit card
info cannot be legally transmitted between them.
Ralph Fox
2024-06-01 20:14:35 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
It is down again right now. :-(
The forteinc.com site down error has now changed,
from: "502 Bad Gateway"
to: "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"

Something might be happening, whatever that may be.
Or might not.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

Almost and very nigh save many a lie.
2024-06-20 00:32:17 UTC
On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 14:08:55 -0700, Michael Thompson
Post by Michael Thompson
I just tried to visit the web page from within Agent, but got a 502 Bad
gateway on all pages.
Still 503 as of today. Forte Agent appears to be at the same life
stage as the rest of Usenet.
Post by Michael Thompson
Does any other web site offer Forte Agent?
As far as I can tell, the only way new users can get into Agent is via
the keys posted in this thread:
