Post by Anthony R. GoldPost by Ralph FoxPost by Anthony R. GoldAttempt to set DateTime to invalid date/time.
The computer's clock and date are set correctly. How best to recover from
this situation?
Someone has that same "Attempt to set DateTime to invalid date/time" startup
error message, but this time the classic response of changing the
ReturnToMessage value in file agent.ini to zero is not available because it
was already set to zero.
What else might be available to skip past that startup error?
Can you _and_ this 'someone' _both_ confirm that the error message
is from Agent version 8.00/32.1272 ?
The reason I ask is that:
1. You appear to be the only person reporting this error for
any version of Agent later than Agent version 2.0.
2. What else might be available is likely to depend on which
version of Agent your 'someone' is using.
I found 9 threads in this newsgroup about the error "Attempt to set
DateTime to invalid date/time". Two threads started by you, and
seven threads started by other people.
All seven of the other seven threads are for old versions of Agent;
nothing newer than Agent version 2.0.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox
Truth finds foes where it makes none.