more duplicates than there were total headers retrieved?
(too old to reply)
2024-07-06 19:48:00 UTC
Using version 5, it was there, but I couldn't find a thread I wanted to
read and add to, so I fetched Recent Headers, 400 of them, and the
notation at the bottom shows 45 headers retrieved, and no Sections or
Filtered, but 62 Duplicates

How can there be more duplicates than there were headers retrieved?

I thought they didn't become duplicates until after they were retrieved.
And what are Sections?
Ralph Fox
2024-07-06 21:09:11 UTC
Subject: more duplicates than there were total headers retrieved?
Who said "total"?
Using version 5, it was there, but I couldn't find a thread I wanted to
read and add to, so I fetched Recent Headers, 400 of them, and the
notation at the bottom shows 45 headers retrieved, and no Sections or
Filtered, but 62 Duplicates
How can there be more duplicates than there were headers retrieved?
You got 45 new headers added to the message list, plus 62 duplicates of
headers which you already had.
And what are Sections?
See this Agent help page:
Help >> Index >> Binaries in Agent >> How is Binary Data Posted to Usenet?
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

One bird i'th' hand is worth two in the bush.
2024-07-06 22:35:57 UTC
In alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent, on Sun, 07 Jul 2024 09:09:11
Post by Ralph Fox
Subject: more duplicates than there were total headers retrieved?
Who said "total"?
I did. Do you want to make something of it?
Post by Ralph Fox
Using version 5, it was there, but I couldn't find a thread I wanted to
read and add to, so I fetched Recent Headers, 400 of them, and the
notation at the bottom shows 45 headers retrieved, and no Sections or
Filtered, but 62 Duplicates
How can there be more duplicates than there were headers retrieved?
You got 45 new headers added to the message list, plus 62 duplicates of
headers which you already had.
Oops, I guess you do.
Post by Ralph Fox
And what are Sections?
Help >> Index >> Binaries in Agent >> How is Binary Data Posted to Usenet?
I'm looking. I have to read this slowly.

Thanks and double thanks.
