Ralph Fox: unicode-extension-for-agent-agtex-beta-version-0-41-2023-900
(too old to reply)
Pete W
2023-10-19 10:47:18 UTC
Ralph, I more question if I may.

Is there a way to have the "Subject" display correctly?

I've changed Tools > Options > Fonts for Language "Unicode UTF-8
(English) > Subject. to Tahoma UTF8 8pt (Western)


The body of the message displays correctly.


What am I missing?


Ralph Fox
2023-10-20 05:37:18 UTC
Post by Pete W
Ralph, I more question if I may.
Is there a way to have the "Subject" display correctly?
I've changed Tools > Options > Fonts for Language "Unicode UTF-8
(English) > Subject. to Tahoma UTF8 8pt (Western)
The body of the message displays correctly.
What am I missing?
AgtEx supports Unicode in the message body and in parts of the
compose window (the compose body, and the compose subject for some
combinations of Agent and Windows).

Agent handles transcoding message list text in a very different way
to how it handles transcoding message body text. This difference
means AgtEx does not support Unicode in the message list.

The AgtEx READ-ME file recommends not to try using Unicode for the
message list pane.
Screen-shot: <Loading Image...>

You are welcome to try using Unicode for the message list pane, at
your own risk. But be aware:

1. Filtering inside Agent is all ANSI, not Unicode. Using Unicode
for the message list can make it harder to set up filters. When
you use Unicode for the message list, the Unicode you see is not
the same as what to put in a filter.

In this case, the message you are looking at is spam from Google
Groups, spamvertising an online betting site. I have kill
filters for these particular posts.

2. Agent stores message bodies in the original format. When you
view a message in Unicode, Agent transcodes the message body to
Unicode at the time you view it.

Agent’s message list does _not_ work in the same way. How it
handles a header depends on whether the sender posted the message
using the option “Use MIME for non-ASCII headers”.

2.1 When the header was posted with “Use MIME for non-ASCII
headers”, Agent transcodes the header at the time the
header is downloaded from the server. Agent stores the
transcoded header and uses that for the message list.

If Agent transcoded the header to Western and Thai
characters were transcoded into question marks, question
marks are what is stored and what you will see in the
message list. Changing the font settings to Unicode will
not change the question marks.

To get Agent to re-transcode a header, you must delete
the header and re-download it from the server.

For Usenet headers downloaded directly from the news
* If you want to try to make Agent re-transcode a Usenet
header to Unicode, you should first set the folder’s
language to Unicode before re-downloading the header
from the news server. This will _only_ work for Usenet
headers downloaded directly from the news server.

For Usenet messages imported from file:
* Agent will _not_ transcode the header to Unicode.

For email messages:
* Agent will _not_ transcode the header to Unicode.

2.2 When the header was _not_ posted with “Use MIME for
non-ASCII headers”, Agent does not transcode the header.
If the header shows garbage when the font settings are
Unicode, deleting the header and re-downloading it will
make no change.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘷𝘯𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦,
𝘞𝘢𝘺𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦, 𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦.
Pete W
2023-10-20 10:10:10 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Pete W
Ralph, I more question if I may.
Is there a way to have the "Subject" display correctly?
I've changed Tools > Options > Fonts for Language "Unicode UTF-8
(English) > Subject. to Tahoma UTF8 8pt (Western)
The body of the message displays correctly.
What am I missing?
AgtEx supports Unicode in the message body and in parts of the
compose window (the compose body, and the compose subject for some
combinations of Agent and Windows).
Agent handles transcoding message list text in a very different way
to how it handles transcoding message body text. This difference
means AgtEx does not support Unicode in the message list.
Thanks Ralph, that explains it.
Post by Ralph Fox
The AgtEx READ-ME file recommends not to try using Unicode for the
message list pane.
Screen-shot: <https://i.imgur.com/2vK2gs1.png>
Yes, that's how I had it set first. It was only when the "Subject"
didn't display correcly I tried altering the Message > Font setting,
without success.
Post by Ralph Fox
You are welcome to try using Unicode for the message list pane, at
1. Filtering inside Agent is all ANSI, not Unicode. Using Unicode
for the message list can make it harder to set up filters. When
you use Unicode for the message list, the Unicode you see is not
the same as what to put in a filter.
In this case, the message you are looking at is spam from Google
Groups, spamvertising an online betting site. I have kill
filters for these particular posts.
OK. Not something I'm interested in. Should have chosen a better
(excuse the pun) message to demonsrate the problem.

Many thanks for your help Ralph,

Take care.
Post by Ralph Fox
2. Agent stores message bodies in the original format. When you
view a message in Unicode, Agent transcodes the message body to
Unicode at the time you view it.
Agent’s message list does _not_ work in the same way. How it
handles a header depends on whether the sender posted the message
using the option “Use MIME for non-ASCII headers”.
2.1 When the header was posted with “Use MIME for non-ASCII
headers”, Agent transcodes the header at the time the
header is downloaded from the server. Agent stores the
transcoded header and uses that for the message list.
If Agent transcoded the header to Western and Thai
characters were transcoded into question marks, question
marks are what is stored and what you will see in the
message list. Changing the font settings to Unicode will
not change the question marks.
To get Agent to re-transcode a header, you must delete
the header and re-download it from the server.
For Usenet headers downloaded directly from the news
* If you want to try to make Agent re-transcode a Usenet
header to Unicode, you should first set the folder’s
language to Unicode before re-downloading the header
from the news server. This will _only_ work for Usenet
headers downloaded directly from the news server.
* Agent will _not_ transcode the header to Unicode.
* Agent will _not_ transcode the header to Unicode.
2.2 When the header was _not_ posted with “Use MIME for
non-ASCII headers”, Agent does not transcode the header.
If the header shows garbage when the font settings are
Unicode, deleting the header and re-downloading it will
make no change.
