agent autolaunches links
(too old to reply)
john larkin
2023-12-01 21:56:27 UTC
Agent 8 under Win11:

If a post includes a link somewhere in the body, and I open the post,
the link is immediately launched in my browser. That's weird. Is there
a setting somewhere to stop that?
2023-12-01 22:24:33 UTC
Post by john larkin
If a post includes a link somewhere in the body, and I open the post,
the link is immediately launched in my browser. That's weird. Is there
a setting somewhere to stop that?
Search help for URL LAUNCH there are a bunch of entries. Maybe
something is in there for you.
I have never of your problem !!

2023-12-01 23:29:51 UTC
Post by john larkin
If a post includes a link somewhere in the body, and I open the post,
the link is immediately launched in my browser. That's weird. Is there
a setting somewhere to stop that?
Same Agent version and OS, and that happens to me occasionally.

It seems to occur only when the post being opened has nothing but a
link in the body.

I use Thunderbird for email but view a.c.s.thunderbird discussions
with Agent. Whenever *Ant* posts a notice of a TB version update, his
link launches with the new release info. I tested my theory moments
ago with a recent post... and bingo.

No big hassle so I've never wondered why.
Ralph Fox
2023-12-03 02:34:15 UTC
Post by john larkin
If a post includes a link somewhere in the body, and I open the post,
the link is immediately launched in my browser. That's weird. Is there
a setting somewhere to stop that?
This is going to depend on several things, including:
* How you are opening the post;
* Whether the post's message body has already been downloaded or not;
* Whether the link is always launched, no matter which post, or
whether it only happens in some cases;
* ... etc., etc., etc.

I will give only a couple of possible cases. If neither one of these
cases fits, the group will need more details from you.

Case 1: When...

* The message body has already been downloaded.
* You are using the zoomed view.
* You are double-clicking the header to select the message and
switch the zoomed view from the message list to the
(already-downloaded) message body.
* This happens in some cases, but not always.

What is happening is that Agent is switching to the message body
before the second mouse-button-up of the double-click.
Because the body has already been downloaded, the second
mouse-button-up is going to the message body and triggering the
link to be launched.
For the link to be triggered...
a) Either, the mouse cursor must be over the link at the second
b) Or, the URL must runs to the end of a line (with no more
characters to the right of it) and the mouse cursor is to the
right of the link;
c) Or the URL runs to the end of the very last line of the message
and the mouse cursor is below the level of the link.

For this specific case, a fix would be to single-click to select and
use the TAB key to switch the zoomed view from the message list to
the (already-downloaded) message body.

Case 2: When...

* Your Agent has a check-mark in "Double-clicking launches
* You are double-clicking the header to view the message;
* The message contains an attachment which launches in your web

For this specific case, a fix would be to turn off "Double-clicking
launches attachments".
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

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