Ctrl + L not working
(too old to reply)
Terry Pinnell
2024-03-29 16:17:00 UTC
I can no longer use Ctrl + l to open a message in my browser. Not sure
if it's relevant but this follows some housekeeping: adding a new desk
and some folders and moving many hundred of messages.

Nor can I now find the method for this command that does not use the

Have not yet tried a Win 10 reboot but will do so shortly.

Ralph Fox
2024-03-29 17:32:11 UTC
Post by Terry Pinnell
I can no longer use Ctrl + l to open a message in my browser. Not sure
if it's relevant but this follows some housekeeping: adding a new desk
and some folders and moving many hundred of messages.
Nor can I now find the method for this command that does not use the
Have not yet tried a Win 10 reboot but will do so shortly.
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
The method using the menus is at: Message >> Launch in Browser
(second from the bottom on the "Message" pull-down menu).

If Agent cannot open the message in your browser, I expect Agent would
display a pop-up of some kind.

Unless you have changed your Agent "Launch Confirmation" settings, you
would also get a pop-up like this whether or not Agent can open the
message in your browser:
Screen-shot: <Loading Image...>
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

Forewarn'd forearm'd.
Terry Pinnell
2024-03-29 17:44:21 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
Post by Terry Pinnell
I can no longer use Ctrl + l to open a message in my browser. Not sure
if it's relevant but this follows some housekeeping: adding a new desk
and some folders and moving many hundred of messages.
Nor can I now find the method for this command that does not use the
Have not yet tried a Win 10 reboot but will do so shortly.
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
The method using the menus is at: Message >> Launch in Browser
(second from the bottom on the "Message" pull-down menu).
If Agent cannot open the message in your browser, I expect Agent would
display a pop-up of some kind.
Unless you have changed your Agent "Launch Confirmation" settings, you
would also get a pop-up like this whether or not Agent can open the
Screen-shot: <http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=27_3lpd0j__agents_launch-in-browser.png>
Thanks for the fast response Ralph.

Happy to report that the PC reboot fixed it.

