Question about creating a Filter for SPAM
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Someone once said:
2023-12-17 22:36:03 UTC
I have a Download Filter to automatically download posts with certain words in the subject line.

Is it possible to create a Kill Filter at a lower priority to automatically delete posts with certain words in the body?

I'm finding that the Download Filter is grabbing things that turn out to be SPAM because some of the words I Filter for are in the subject line, but they turn out to be SPAM once the posts are downloaded. The poster name seems to be randomized, but they all contain links to websites where they're trying to sell stuff, so the system can't automatically determine if it's SPAM until after the body is downloaded.
Ralph Fox
2023-12-17 23:26:49 UTC
Post by Someone once said:
I have a Download Filter to automatically download posts with certain
words in the subject line.
Is it possible to create a Kill Filter at a lower priority to
automatically delete posts with certain words in the body?
Automatic filtering cannot check the body of Usenet posts.

(Automatic filtering is designed to work *before* the body is
downloaded. Your best option is to use Agent's Find Global / Global
Search to search the body of posts _after_ the body is downloaded.)
Post by Someone once said:
I'm finding that the Download Filter is grabbing things that turn out
to be SPAM because some of the words I Filter for are in the subject
line, but they turn out to be SPAM once the posts are downloaded. The
poster name seems to be randomized, but they all contain links to
websites where they're trying to sell stuff, so the system can't
automatically determine if it's SPAM until after the body is
If two filters match the same post, only the higher-priority filter's
action is applied. The lower-priority filter's action is not applied.

See: Help >> Index >> Filters, Message Filters >> How to Create Message Filters

     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     Usenet and email message filters consist of the following components:
     *  A priority between 0 (lowest) and 1000 (highest). Filters are
        evaluated in priority order. If more than one filter matches a
        message, the highest priority filter's action is performed.
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUOTE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

Where the hedge is lowest commonly men leap over.