Ralpf Fox: unicode-extension-for-agent-agtex-beta-version-0-41-2023-900
(too old to reply)
Pete W
2023-10-16 17:17:28 UTC
Ralph, I've d/l the above and attempted to install it but without the
results I expected. Obviously my fault and hopefully you can put me

System: Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

Wine-stable 8.0.2-jammy-1

Agent 8.00/32 1272

Screen-shots showing current settings after my attempts at
installation. I can't spot any obvious differences from those shown in
the screen-shots in your installation instructions, but I guess there
must be <g>

Language https://imgur.com/a/BfmjpDY

Fonts https://imgur.com/a/1vzBBTB

Agent https://imgur.com/a/PhR1naR

Test results https://imgur.com/a/JvAcVBF

I did change the language to "Unicode UTF-8 (English)"

Am I wrong in expecting more? If yes, where have I messed up?


Pete W
2023-10-16 17:19:34 UTC
Apologies for typo - should be Ralph, obviously.
Ralph Fox
2023-10-17 09:47:46 UTC
Post by Pete W
Ralph, I've d/l the above and attempted to install it but without the
results I expected. Obviously my fault and hopefully you can put me
System: Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon
Wine-stable 8.0.2-jammy-1
Agent 8.00/32 1272
Screen-shots showing current settings after my attempts at
installation. I can't spot any obvious differences from those shown in
the screen-shots in your installation instructions, but I guess there
must be <g>
Language https://imgur.com/a/BfmjpDY
Fonts https://imgur.com/a/1vzBBTB
Agent https://imgur.com/a/PhR1naR
Test results https://imgur.com/a/JvAcVBF
I did change the language to "Unicode UTF-8 (English)"
Am I wrong in expecting more? If yes, where have I messed up?
In Windows 10 and 11, Tahoma is the best out-of-the-box choice to
display as many Unicode characters as possible.

In other operating environments, Tahoma may not be the best choice.

Here in out-of-the-box Wine-stable 6.0.3 on Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon,
I get better results with "Free Sans" and "DejaVu Sans" than I do
with "Tahoma" in the same environment.
* Free Sans Armenian, Assyrian, Bengali, Cree, English,
Georgian, Greek (polytonic), Hebrew, Hindi,
Malayalam, Panjabi, Russian, Tamazight, Vai
* DejaVu Sans Arabic, Armenian, Cree, English, Georgian,
Greek (polytonic), Hebrew, Lao, Russian,
* Tahoma Arabic, English, Russian
None of them are yet as good as "Tahoma" in Windows 10.


* The Tahoma font itself does _not_ contain all the Unicode
characters which you see in this screen-shot:
<Loading Image...>.

* If a Unicode character is not in your choice of font, recent
versions of Windows may try to find a "similar" font with the

* Linux and Wine together can do something similar. But
it looks like this could need some font installation and
configuration to get results like I get in Windows 10.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

Ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή
Vita brevis, ars longa
The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne
Pete W
2023-10-17 16:31:27 UTC
Post by Ralph Fox
In Windows 10 and 11, Tahoma is the best out-of-the-box choice to
display as many Unicode characters as possible.
In other operating environments, Tahoma may not be the best choice.
Here in out-of-the-box Wine-stable 6.0.3 on Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon,
I get better results with "Free Sans" and "DejaVu Sans" than I do
with "Tahoma" in the same environment.
* Free Sans Armenian, Assyrian, Bengali, Cree, English,
Georgian, Greek (polytonic), Hebrew, Hindi,
Malayalam, Panjabi, Russian, Tamazight, Vai
* DejaVu Sans Arabic, Armenian, Cree, English, Georgian,
Greek (polytonic), Hebrew, Lao, Russian,
* Tahoma Arabic, English, Russian
None of them are yet as good as "Tahoma" in Windows 10.
After experimenting with these fonts I can see the difference.

With Free Sans: https://imgur.com/a/c0VgD6K

With DejaVue Sans: https://imgur.com/a/C67oNBG

For day to work I mainly use LM 21.2 but as it's a dual boot set up
with Windows 10 I installed Agent on Win 10 and using the fonts you
recommended got these, as you say, much better results.


Many thanks for your help Ralph, especially the tip about using Agent
on Win 10. Never thought to try it, never thought it would make such
a difference. Thanks again.

Post by Ralph Fox
* The Tahoma font itself does _not_ contain all the Unicode
* If a Unicode character is not in your choice of font, recent
versions of Windows may try to find a "similar" font with the
* Linux and Wine together can do something similar. But
it looks like this could need some font installation and
configuration to get results like I get in Windows 10.
