Finding an old email
(too old to reply)
Terry Pinnell
2024-07-13 09:13:12 UTC
I'm searching for an old email I sent. Could not find it using Agent's
global search (Ctrl+g) of various folders tried. But using another tool
I found an Agent tasklog.xml file dated 11/03/20 which contained a
relevant text string. On opening it in a browser I then found this

<task>Send email message Re: Cannot pump</task>
<message>Sent in 1 section.</message>
<startdate>Wed, 07 Apr 2021 18:55:08 +0100</startdate>
<stopdate>Wed, 07 Apr 2021 18:55:08 +0100</stopdate>

Is there some way to retrieve that message? Or at least the email
addressee please?

Ralph Fox
2024-07-16 20:43:24 UTC
Post by Terry Pinnell
I'm searching for an old email I sent. Could not find it using Agent's
global search (Ctrl+g) of various folders tried. But using another tool
I found an Agent tasklog.xml file dated 11/03/20 which contained a
relevant text string. On opening it in a browser I then found this
<task>Send email message Re: Cannot pump</task>
<message>Sent in 1 section.</message>
<startdate>Wed, 07 Apr 2021 18:55:08 +0100</startdate>
<stopdate>Wed, 07 Apr 2021 18:55:08 +0100</stopdate>
Is there some way to retrieve that message? Or at least the email
addressee please?
The tasklog.xml entry above is not enough unless it can help you
find the original email.
Post by Terry Pinnell
I'm searching for an old email I sent. Could not find it using Agent's
global search (Ctrl+g) of various folders tried.
Your best bet is to use Agent's global search (Ctrl+g) to search _ALL_
folders. (And make sure "Email messages" is checked.)

Screen-shot: <Loading Image...>

Agent's global search may take some time to search ALL folders. If it
does, go off and do something else in the meantime.
Kind regards
Ralph Fox

It's an easie thing to find a staff to beat a dog: or a stone to throw at a dog.